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Gardeners Calendar
General Gardening Tips for September!
- September is a great time to plant trees, shrubs,
bulbs, perennials, grass seed and sod. Plants that are planted in the
Autumn enjoy cooler temperatures and ideal growing conditions that allow
roots ample time to grow into the surrounding soil. Use starter plant
fertilizer mix when planting.
- Plants and trees that provide colour in the month
of September include Beautyberry, Crape Myrtles, Cotoneaster, Viburnum,
Hypericum, Hydrangeas, Potentilla, Pyracantha and Butterfly Bush.
(Dependant on location)
- There are lots of perennials with interest now
including Coreopsis, Scabiosa and ornamental grasses.
- Add a touch of colour to your landscape by planting
hardy Mums now.
- Do not prune Azaleas, Rhododendrons and other
spring flowering shrubs because they have already set their buds for
next year's blooms. If you feel these shrubs do need to be pruned,
however, you can prune them now, but you will sacrifice next spring
- Time to feed your plants with a good quality, slow
release plant food made for perennials and flowering shrubs and trees
that contains slow-release nitrogen, sulphate of potash, iron and other
micro-nutrients for overall plant growth and development.
- Feed evergreens (Hollies, Boxwoods and Yews) and
deciduous trees (Maples, Oaks and Ash) with a tree & shrub food. This
product contains slow-release nitrogen, sulphate of potash, iron and
other micro-nutrients for overall plant growth and development.
- Time to transplant peonies or divide them if you
wish to multiply your plants.
- Spring blooming bulbs are best to plant in
September and October.
Plant Iris, Tulips, Crocus, Daffodils and many others for glorious
colour next spring.
- Add a touch of colour to your home and landscape
with hardy Mums.
- September is the best month of the entire year to
seed your lawn. This includes both seeding a new lawn and reseeding
(over seeding) an established lawn to make it thicker and healthier.
- If you need to, you can lime, fertilize and seed
your lawn all in the same day. Otherwise, seed and fertilize the same
day and then lime later in the year.
- If needed, Autumn is a great time to aerate and/or
de-thatch the lawn. If you decide to do one or both of these, they
should be done prior to seeding.
- If you like, you can top-dress the lawn with sand,
or an organic compost, to improve heavy compacted, clay soil.
Topdressing can be used alone or along with aeration, seeding and
- If you do plan to aerate, de-thatch or rototill
(for total renovation), thoroughly soak the soil a day or two before you
start your project or perform your project a day or two after a good
- September is also a good time to apply a grub
control to your lawn such as Milky Spore as a long-term control.
- Now is also a good time to control weeds growing in
the lawn, however you cannot weed kill and seed the same day. If you
choose to kill weeds in the lawn first, you must wait three weeks to
seed your lawn. Or, if you seed first, you will need to wait until the
new seed has germinated and been mowed at least twice before applying a
weed killer.
- If you want to prevent winter annual weeds from
germinating in the lawn, you can apply Autumn weed and feed in
September, but this would prevent you from seeding now. You will have to
wait 60 days to seed, which means you would probably need to wait until
spring to seed the lawn.
Tips on applying weed killer:
- Do not apply weed controls on newly seeded areas.
- Do not apply weed controls on windy days.
- Do not apply weed controls near or on the edge of
- Do not apply weed controls when temperatures are
above 85 degrees F.
- Do not allow children or pets to play on lawns
freshly applied with weed controls. Wait until weed control is dry if
you applied a liquid weed killer. If you applied a granular weed
control, wait one week.
- Always check the label of weed control products and
follow the label instructions.
Feeding the Lawn
- Autumn is the best time to feed your lawn with a
good quality, slow-release lawn food, with at least two feedings between
the months of September, October, November and December.
- If you are seeding the lawn, use a 14-18-14
fertilizer weighting. It is high in phosphorus, which aids in seedling
germination and encourages strong root development. If you use a
14-18-14 fertilizer weighting in September, follow-up with a 24-4-12 in
November or December.
- If you are not seeding use a 26-4-12 weighting. It
is an ideal fertilizer to help green-up your lawn and keep it looking
thick and healthy. This product is high in nitrogen, which will continue
feeding the lawn over an extended period of time. If you use 26-4-12 in
September, follow-up with 14-18-14 in November or December as a
Seeding the Lawn
- As mentioned, September is the best month to seed
your lawn with improved varieties of quality grass seed. Ask your garden
centre for a grass seed mix best suited for your yard’s particular
Fruit and Vegetable Gardens
- Time to continue with Autumn crops. You can still
seed beets, radishes, turnips, and leaf lettuce.
- Also ready to go plants of cabbage, broccoli,
Brussels sprouts, collards and lettuce.
House Plants
- Time to bring houseplants back indoors. If needed,
spray them first with one of the following products: Houseplant Spray,
Baby Bio. You can dust the soil with insecticide granules to prevent
bringing in ants, wireworms, sow bugs, etc.
- Pot bound plants must be re-potted with a potting
- Fertilize your houseplants with a slow release
fertilizer like Osmocote through November, and then stop feeding them
until February.
It is especially important to mulch after planting if
bulbs are planted very late in the Autumn. Mulch insulates the soil, keeping
it warmer longer so root growth can occur. If Marginally
Hardy bulbs are
heavily mulched to survive winter, pull back the mulch toward the end of
winter. This prevents premature growth as the sun warms the soil.
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42 Dunraven Place, Bridgend
Contact: Mike 07840 287 383
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