Classes held by an instructor with 50 years experience in Martial Arts.
Classes in
Bridgend and Porthcawl. Visit web site
A record of the work completed or underway by the Townscape Heritage
Initiative in the town in the last 12 months on many of the buildings. With
36 listed buildings Grade II and the Old Bridge being a listed grade II*
structure there is a lot to do to attract tourism.
The old Victoria pub is at last being developed and will provide a much
needed boost to Adare Street when it is finished the project will take 12
months to complete.
Recently finished is the Costa Coffee shop in Caroline Street and the complex
behind it.
Renovation is almost complete on this row of cottages in Elder Street.
The Rhiw finished at last.
The Wyndham Arms Hotel underwent a refurbishment program last year.
An historic building with a fascinating history displayed on its walls.
Three other buildings in Dunraven Place that have benefited from a sprucing
up recently.